Monday, May 18, 2009

Catching Up, So to Speak

I didn't even realize it had been 11 days since my last post until I sat down this morning to blog. It's not that I haven't been running--I have. Just been busy at work, home, etc. I guess.

This week, I began my "pre-marathon training" training. Starting to move back to a normal speed and distance. And no more two-day furloughs. In the past week or two, I've been running the Creek Turnpike trail (I'm sure there's a more official name for this trail, but I don't know for sure what it is. Liberty something maybe?) I'm really enjoying the track, as it is definitely more challenging than the completely flat neighborhood roads I've been running on for the past year. However, there are two problems: the noise and the almost always required stop at Memorial. Running east is not as bad with respect to either problem, but for some reason, I simply like to run west into town better. I plan to alternate, which should help with some of the monotony I experienced when running through nearby neighborhoods day after day.

Met with the Runner's World group last night for our pre-training orientation. It was good to see so many people there--lots of people I didn't know, several people I did know, and a few missing (maybe they'll be there tonight). I am most excited about the formal hill work that will start taking place on Mondays. I can't think of any training (base miles aside, of course) that I need more. I also like the idea of specific, formal pace groups. Between the two additions to the training, I am very much looking forward to the next few months. Unfortunately, I'll have to miss not just the first, but also the second Saturday runs of this training, but for good reason: I'm going on vacation! Despite that, I will still get in my long runs. My guess is that the Gulf coast will be pretty motivating.

Distance: 6.07
Time: 49:58
Avg. Mile Pace: 8:13

Distance: 4.18
Time: 35:23
Avg. Mile Pace: 8:28

Distance: 6.14
Time: 53:24
Avg. Mile Pace: 8:40

Distance: 4.05
Time: 34:51
Avg. Mile Pace: 8:35

Distance: 4.5
Time: 38:39
Avg. Mile Pace: 8:34


  1. So, have you thought about a goal time and what pace group you would want to be in? It looks like we will have at least the following pace groups:
    3:30 - led by Dustin (his goal is 3:20. I think he ran the Rt 66 Marathon in close to 3:30 last year.). I'm thinking Fred, Marshall, and Dr. Z. may end up in this group.
    3:45 - led by me and maybe Andy (he may move up to be with Dustin) Don't know who would be in this group. Maybe Fred if he is willing to slow down a bit. Maybe Rusty and Neely.
    4:00 - led by Patty (she is shooting for 4:00 to qualify for Boston) and Charlie. This will probably be a pretty good sized group with Kathy, Larry, Bill, Becky, and Janet plus a few others.
    4:15 - led by Curtis (ran 4:11 at OKC)
    4:30 - led by Jason (that is really too slow for him, but he is training for a 50 miler, so he will be putting in some extra miles)
    4:45 - led by Michael (5:04 at OKC)
    I forget who is leading the other groups. I think we have groups in 15 minute increments all the way up to 6 hrs (led by Bobby). I'm guessing you would fit in somewhere close to the 4 hr group.

  2. Yep, I'm looking at 4 hours. That's the goal I listed on the sheet I gave Kathy last Sunday at Runner's World. Keep me informed about the hill-running group. I definitely want to get in on that. Thanks!

  3. Hill sprints will start on Monday June 8. We will meet at 5:30 p.m. on the west side of the river at the rowing club - about 21st and Jackson. From there we will do a slow run to 11th & Riverside. There is a grassy hill there that we can run up a few times and then we do an easy jog back to where we started.

    After a couple of months we will do longer hill repeats at a moderate effort. I haven't decided on the hills yet. I am sort of thinking Easton Street between Quanah and Yukon. It is on the NW side of downtown.
