Thursday, May 28, 2009

Get the Dogs Under Control

So I've been running on the Creek Turnpike trail for a few weeks now. I am enjoying it so far--more people than I am used to seeing, nice hills, new scenery--but with each run, I am becoming more and more annoyed with a few dog-related situations I have been noticing. Now, before I continue, let me just say, I like dogs. I've had dogs for most of my life (although currently, we are waiting for the kids to get bigger before we get another one), and I look forward to being a dog-owner again sometime in the relatively near future. Despite this affection, the dog issues on the Trail are beginning to bother me a little.

First, there is the issue of not leashing one's dog. Look, I'm for dog rights just as much as the next guy. I'm also for snake rights, spider rights, ugly-kid rights, gun rights, nuclear weapon rights, etc. assuming that all of these rights stop short of inconveniencing me on my morning run. You see, I don't feel like having to slow down or stop just because some guy is taking his unleashed dog for a walk on the Trail, and the dog (naturally) thinks that it's more fun to run than walk, so he decides to follow me instead of his walking master. So to borrow loosely from Pulp Fiction: pretty please...with sugar on top. Leash the [friggin'] dog.

Second, there is the poop maintenance issue. Look, I know it's humiliating, but it's necessary--you taking your dog for a walk on the trail? Take a bag! (cue Seinfield's bit on aliens and dog-walking) I'm out there dodging poop like a GI in a Normandy minefield! Old poop. New poop. And in a variety of earthy colors. I wish I had a dime for every pile of poop I run past. Rather, I wish I had a dog leash for every pile of poop I run past, so that I could distribute them to the people who fall into category 1 above.

Finally, an issue more with owner behavior than dog behavior: when I go running down the running trail that was specifically designed for runners, walkers, and bikers (and did I say runners?) do not glare at me when I, merely by running (a natural and expected behavior on this track), cause your Rottweiler to want to lunge forward at my leg, neck, spleen, etc. as though I were somehow intentionally provoking the animal. The energy expended in glaring at me, a runner on the running track, may be better used in picking up the 7 pounds of poop said Rottweiler just deposited on the track.

Dog issues aside, yesterday's and today's runs were very nice. Great weather. And yesterday's 8-miler was one of those that felt like it could just go on for another 18.2 miles. If I could only figure out how to recreate that combination of both internal and environmental situations on demand! I did slow my long day down at TATUR Dave's behest, and it was indeed very pleasant.

Hopefully this Saturday, I will actually make it out to the training with the Runner's World group. That's my plan. (But of course, it was my plan last week too.)

Distance: 8.12
Time: 1:10:55
Avg. Mile Pace: 8:43

Distance: 6.00
Time: 50:56
Avg. Mile Pace: 8:28

1 comment:

  1. Good post, Chris. I agree 100%. Love my dogs and would feel awful if they hindered anyone's run. I leash mine always on busy trails and only let them off leash when we are deep in the woods and preferably miles from anyone, even other dogs.

    My huge pet peeve with unleashed dogs is when they want to start crap with my LEASHED dog. I have had those stupid little ankle biters try to tear into my 105 lb lab, and have had to drag my dog away from some loose schnauzer. Makes my dog look like a wimp, but I tell him he is being a gentleman. He just mumbles, "yeah Dad, whatever!"

    Hope to see ya out there....and watch your step through the mine fields!
