Thursday, April 16, 2009

Back in Shorts Again

I love Winter. It has always been a favorite season of mine. I even enjoy running on Winter days. That being said, there's something about shedding the tights and donning a pair of shorts for my morning run that just feels good. Of course, my neighbors may not appreciate the change as much as I do.

I think that part of what makes running in shorts so great is that more of your body is exposed to the air, or, to be a little cheesy, to nature. Thoreau has always been a favorite of mine. I think he must have been a runner, because of the sheer exposure to nature that running affords. But unlike Thoreau at Walden Pond, I live in the suburbs. Doesn't matter though. Granted, the exhaust from the passing cars brings one's feet back down to earth pretty quickly, but during the other times, when the rawness of one's effort makes contact with fresh air, especially as the sun begins to appear through eastern clouds, it's pretty transcendental (and a little stinky). That is, "transcendental" in the literary sense (says the former English literature teacher). Not in that goofy nature-is-divine sense. (Although, admittedly, that probably was Thoreau's denomination. But what do you expect? The man was a hermit living in solitude next to a pool of stagnant water.)

New 5-mile PR this morning, and this time, I know it's accurate. I've been timing myself with both my iPod (which apparently recently lost its timing accuracy) and my Blackberry. Sure enough, my Blackberry was 4 minutes slower than my iPod this morning. I will err on the side of conservativism and go with my Blackberry time. (I can't wait to get a Garmin!) Compared to my times in past runs, it seems to be more realistic. (Which translates into, no amazing 7-minute improvements on a 7-mile run in a week's time.)

Distance: 5 miles
Time: 39:05 (PR)
Avg. Mile Pace: 7:45 (PR)

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