Monday, August 10, 2009

A Few Tough Runs

Actually, last Thursday's run wasn't too bad. The temperature had dropped 7 degrees, and even though the humidity was still ridiculous, my 6-miler headed west to Sheridan and back wasn't too bad. Of course, I forgot to push start on my Garmin and didn't realize it until the turnaround. Stats are inaccurate.

Then came Saturday.

I vividly remember the first time I ran 16 miles. It was in preparation for the OKC Memorial Marathon. It was a cold and windy day, wind blowing hard out of the south, freezing one side of my body on the 8-mile trek from Veteran's Park to the McDonald's on Highway 97 in Sand Springs, and the other side on the way back. Weather aside, the 16 miles was simply tough.

Saturday's run reminded me of the toughness of that 16-mile run; problem is, Saturday's run was only 14 miles! To be fair to myself, Saturday's run was very hot and humid, and it was kind of a boring run around the River. (Those Riverside runs are nice for about 3 outings. Then, they're just plain boring. And horribly flat.) Despite my disdain for the River runs, I have recently fallen into a nice "subgroup" of the FOB Four: Kevin, Amanda, and Jarrett. These three, along with an old high school buddy of mine, Scott (currently, on vacation), provide a great challenge with regard to pace, and I have enjoyed the last few weeks of running with this small group, as well as the intermittent others who have spent a few miles with us. I am really looking forward to getting within about 10 miles of my goal this coming Saturday. (Maybe downtown or through the neighborhoods?) I don't know what's wrong with me, but again, I was late starting my Garmin--maybe about a half mile, so I'm leaving off the stats for Saturday too.

This morning's 6-miler was also rough. Felt like I was running through a hot tub. 80-degree weather, high humidity, warm breeze (which was the most pleasant of the atmospheric challenges today). I was sweating like a pig in under a mile's time. I started at Garnett and ran east for 3 miles and back. I'm a little concerned because the same groin/upper quad muscle that was pretty compelling at OKC was bothering me again this morning. Day off tomorrow and extra stretches Wednesday.

Often on this section of the trail at this time of morning, I pass two girls coming from the opposite direction. We are apparently all doing an out-and-back, as I usually pass them again on my return to my car, and the thing I have noticed about these two girls is that on their turnaround, one girl is always well in front of the other. Obviously, the faster girl is not a fireman. And I wonder how their conversation goes as they inevitably separate. Does the faster girl try to let the slower girl down easily:

Faster Girl: (yelling back) Hey, apparently the trail is slanted or something because our paces look to differ somewhat
Slower Girl: (yelling ahead) {Gasp} But you're a half mile ahead of me! {Gasp} I don't think it's slanted that much! {Gasp}
Faster Girl: (yelling back) What's that? I'm sorry, I can't hear you, but I think my car is on fire! See you Wednesday!

Or does she forgo the niceties?

Faster Girl: You're slow. I'm going on ahead.
Slower Girl: OK, but I had hoped to discuss bridesmaids dresses with you this morning. Remember? You asked me to be your bridesmaid two weeks ago?
Faster Girl: Uh yeah, about that. Sorry, you're out.
Slower Girl: But I just spent $60 on the pink and white-striped running tights you were insisting we wear under the dresses for the post-wedding/pre-honeymoon Wedding Party 5K you arranged!
Faster Girl: What's that? I'm sorry, I can't hear you, but I think my car is on fire!


  1. Quite an imagination...or is it heat stroke talking? Thanks for the laugh!!

  2. Probably the latter. Thanks for reading, Lisa. Good luck in San Diego!

  3. Oh my! Wow - glad to know what you think females really talk about. :)

  4. Is this not accurate? This is what the television and the internet say women talk about. Surely it must be right.
